1. 学习工作简历
2001.09-2005.06 | 甘肃农业大学 | 生物技术(动物方向) | 学士 |
2005.09-2008.06 | 甘肃农业大学 | 动物遗传育种与繁殖 | 硕士 |
2011.09-2014.06 | 甘肃农业大学 | 动物遗传育种与繁殖 | 博士 |
2013.02-2014.02 | 新西兰林肯大学 | 动物分子育种 | 访问学者 |
2015.02-2017.01 | 挂职担任环县人民政府副县长 | ||
2015.12-2021.12 | 甘肃农业大学 | 动物科学技术学院 | 副研究员 |
2022.01-至今 | 甘肃农业大学 | 动物科学技术学院 | 研究员 |
2. 教学工作
给本科生讲授《动物育种学》和《现代生物技术概论》课程; 给研究生教授《动物群体与数量遗传学》和《基因组学》课程; |
3. 研究方向
绵山羊遗传育种与生产、现代生物技术与动物育种应用 |
4. 发表论文及专利
以第一作者和通讯作者发表的代表性论文如下: [1] microrna-199a-3p regulates proliferation and milk fat synthesis of ovine mammary epithelial cells by targeting vldlr. frontiers in veterinary science, 2022, 9: 948873. 第一作者 [2] microrna-381 regulates proliferation and differentiation of caprine skeletal muscle satellite cells by targeting pten and jag2. international journal of molecular sciences, 2022, 23(21): 13587. 通讯作者 [3] microrna-200c affects milk fat synthesis by targeting pank3 in ovine mammary epithelial cells. international journal of molecular sciences, 2022, 23(14): 15601. 通讯作者 [4] characteristics and expression of circ_003628 and its promoted effect on proliferation and differentiation of skeletal muscle satellite cells in goats. animals, 2022, 12(19): 2524. 通讯作者 [5] deep small rna sequencing reveals important mirnas related to muscle development and intramuscular fat deposition in longissimus dorsi muscle from different goat breeds. frontiers in veterinary science, 2022, 9: 911166. 通讯作者 [6] tissue-specific expression of circ_015343 and its inhibitory effect on mammary epithelial cells in sheep. frontiers in veterinary science, 2022, 9: 919162. 通讯作者 [7] variation in caprine krtap1-3 and its association with cashmere fibre diameter. gene, 2022, 823: 146341. 通讯作者 [8] identification and characterization of circular rnas in longissimus dorsi muscle tissue from two goat breeds using rna-seq. mol genet genomics, 2022, 297(3): 817-831. 通讯作者 [9] mir-221靶向irs1抑制绵羊乳腺上皮细胞活力和增殖. 中国农业科学,2022,55 (10):2047-2056. 通讯作者 [10] identification and characterization of circular rnas in mammary gland tissue from sheep at peak lactation and during the nonlactating period. journal of dairy science, 2021, 104(2): 2396-2409. 第一作者 [11] small rna deep sequencing reveals the expressions of micrornas in ovine mammary gland development at peak-lactation and during the non-lactating period. genomics, 2021, 113(1 pt 2): 637-646. 第一作者 [12] microrna-432 inhibits milk fat synthesis by targeting scd and and lpl in ovine mammary epithelial cells. food & function, 2021, 12(19): 9432-9442. 通讯作者 [13] the complexity of the ovine and caprine keratin-associated protein genes. international journal of molecular sciences, 2021, 22: 12838. 通讯作者 [14] 小尾寒羊泌乳性状重要lncrnas 的筛选、鉴定及功能分析. 中国农业科学,2021,54(14):3113-3123. 第一作者 [15] 子午岭黑山羊与辽宁绒山羊产肉性能、肉品质、肌肉营养成分和脂肪酸含量比较. 草业学报,2021,30(2):166-177. 第一作者 [16] comparative transcriptome profile analysis of longissimus dorsi muscle tissues from two goat breeds with different meat production performance using rna-seq. front genet, 2021, 11: 619399. 通讯作者 [17] deep small rna-seq reveals micrornas expression profiles in lactating mammary gland of 2 sheep breeds with different milk performance. domest anim endocrinol, 2021, 74: 106561. 通讯作者 [18] microrna-148a regulates the proliferation and differentiation of ovine preadipocytes by targeting pten. animals, 2021, 11(3): 820. 通讯作者 [19] variation in a newly identified caprine krtap gene is associated with raw cashmere fiber weight in longdong cashmere goats. genes, 2021, 12(5): 625. 通讯作者 [20] microrna-200b regulates the proliferation and differentiation of ovine preadipocytes by targeting p27 and klf9. animals, 2021, 11(8): 2417. 通讯作者 [21] krtap36-1基因在子午岭黑山羊中的鉴定及其与羊绒性状的关联分析. 中国农业大学学报, 2021, 26(2): 79-87. 通讯作者 [22] comparison of the transcriptome of the ovine mammary gland in lactating and non-lactating small-tailed han sheep. front genet, 2020, 11: 472. 第一作者 [23] identification of caprine krtap28-1 and its effect on cashmere fiber diameter. 2020, 11(2): e121. 第一作者 [24] identification of the ovine keratin-associated protein 2-1 gene and its sequence variation in four chinese sheep breeds. genes, 2020, 11(6): 604. 通讯作者 [25] identification and characterization of circular rna in lactating mammary glands from two breeds of sheep with different milk production profiles using rna-seq. genomics, 2020, 112(3): 2186-2193. 通讯作者 [26] rna-seq reveals the expression profiles of long non-coding rnas in lactating mammary gland from two sheep breeds with divergent milk phenotype. animals (basel), 2020, 10(9): e1565. 通讯作者 [27] variation in the caprine keratin-associated protein 27-1 gene is associated with cashmere fiber diameter. genes, 2020, 11(8): 934. 通讯作者 [28] variation in the caprine kap24-1 gene affects cashmere fibre diameter. animals, 2019, 9(1): 15. 第一作者 [29] transcriptome profile analysis of mammary gland tissue from two breeds of lactating sheep. 2019, 10(10): e781. 通讯作者 [30] variation in the caprine keratin-associated protein 15-1 (kap15-1) gene affects cashmere fibre diameter. arch anim breed, 2019, 62(1): 125-133. 通讯作者 [31] hoxc13 and hsp27 expression in skin and the periodic growth of secondary fiber follicles from longdong cashmere goats raised in different production systems. 2018, 301(4): 742-752. 第一作者 [32] a keratin-associated protein (kap) gene that is associated with variation in cashmere goat fleece weight. , 2018, 167: 104-109. 第一作者 [33] variation in the ovine keratin-associated protein 15-1 gene affects wool yield. the journal of agricultural science, 2018, 156: 922-928. 通讯作者 [34] variation in the ovine myf5 gene and its effect on carcass lean meat yield in new zealand romney sheep. 2017, 131: 146-151. 第一作者 [35] identification of the caprine keratin-associated protein 20-2 (kap20-2) gene and its effect on cashmere traits. 2017, 8(11): 328. 第一作者 [36] identification of the ovine keratin-associated protein 15-1 gene (krtap15-1) and genetic variation in its coding sequence. , 2017, : 131-136. 第一作者 [37] two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter of the ovine myostatin gene (mstn) and their effect on growth and carcass muscle traits in new zealand romney sheep. j. anim. breed. genet, 2016, 133(3): 219-226. 第一作者 [38] 环县绒山羊羔羊冬季舍饲育肥效果.草业科学,2016,33(11):2345-2352. 第一作者 [39] effect of variation in ovine wfikkn2 on growth traits appears to be gender-dependent. sci rep, 2015, 5: 12347. 第一作者 [40] variation in the ovine wfikkn2 gene. gene,2014,543(1):53-57. 第一作者 以第一发明人授权的代表性专利如下: [1] ,2020,国家发明专利. [2] ,2020,国家发明专利. [3] ,2022,国家发明专利. [4] 陇东绒山羊羊绒直径相关的遗传标记及其应用,2022,国家发明专利. [5] 一种高寒地区肉羊养殖舍,2020,实用新型专利. [6] 一种牛羊饲养场自动投料设备,2020,实用新型专利. |
5. 科研项目及成果
(1)主持完成的代表性项目: 已主持完成科技部科技人员服务企业行动项目、甘肃省基础研究创新群体项目、甘肃省高校基本科研业务费、甘肃省农业科技创新等项目7项,代表性项目信息如下: [1] 甘肃绒山羊基因资源挖掘与分子改良技术研究,甘肃省基础研究创新群体项目,2018-2021. [2] 绒山羊krtaps基因的鉴定、表达及其对羊绒性状的影响,甘肃省高等学校科学研究项目,2017-2019. [3] 肉羊标准化生产技术集成研究与示范,甘肃省高等学校基本科研业务费项目,2014-2017. [4] 陇东肉用黑山羊新品群选育与示范推广,甘肃省农业科技创新项目,2013-2015. [5] 河西绒山羊gola-dq基因家族遗传特征与流产关联性分析,甘肃省自然基金项目,2011-2014. [6] 甘肃省环县优质白绒山羊新品群选育及20万只绒山羊产业化示范研究,科技部科技人员服务企业行动项目,2009-2011. (2)在研的代表性项目: 目前主持在研国家自然科学基金、甘肃省基础研究创新群体等科研、人才项目6项,代表性项目信息如下: [1] 小尾寒羊泌乳性状关键circrnas筛选及其功能研究(编号:32060746),国家自然科学基金项目,2021-2024. [2] 小尾寒羊泌乳性状相关基因挖掘及其重要mirna功能研究(编号:31860635),国家自然科学基金项目,2019-2022. [3] (编号:22jr5ra829),甘肃省基础研究创新群体项目,2022-2025. [4] 甘肃农业大学畜牧学绒毛和乳用羊研究团队(gau-xktd-2022-21),甘肃农业大学校级重点学科团队项目,2022-2024. [5] 优质肉羊高效生产关键技术创新与应用(编号:2021-1-162),兰州市科技计划项目,2021-2023. (3)科研获奖 [1] 陇东绒山羊优质高产新品群选育与产业化示范,甘肃省科技进步奖三等奖,2021,第一完成人. [2] 优质肉牛产业提升关键技术研发与示范推广,甘肃省科技进步奖三等奖,2018,第四完成人. [3] 西北地区优质肉羊产业提升关键技术研究与示范,甘肃省高校科技进步奖一等奖,2012,第二完成人. [4] 优质肉羊羔羊生产配套技术研究应用,甘肃省农牧渔业丰收奖一等奖,2010,第三完成人. [5] 河西绒山羊流产抗性相关基因分子标记技术研究,甘肃省高校科技进步奖一等奖,2014,第四完成人. |
6. 荣誉称号和社会兼职
甘肃省飞天学者、第十届甘肃青年科技奖获得者、甘肃农业大学伏羲人才、中国特种乳羊乳专业委员会委员,甘肃省畜牧业标准化技术委员会委员兼副秘书长、甘肃省第三次全国畜禽遗传资源普查技术专家组成员、甘肃农业大学欧美同学会(留学人员联谊会)副会长、甘肃省生物工程学会常务理事兼副秘书长、甘肃省遗传学会理事、教育部科技小院和甘肃农业大学环县专家院负责人。曾获甘肃农业大学优秀班主任、甘肃农业大学cet-4教学服务奖等荣誉称号,指导研究生的学位论文获得2020年甘肃省优秀硕士学位论文。 |