2012-09 至 2016-06, 甘肃农业大学, 动物科学, 学士
2016-09 至 2019-06, 甘肃农业大学, 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 硕士
2019-09 至 2022-06, 甘肃农业大学, 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 博士
2022-09 至今, 甘肃农业大学, 动物科学技术学院
国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目,32060730,藏猪ii型肺泡上皮细胞(atii)响应高原低氧环境的生理适应模式及其调控机制,2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31,36万元,在研,参与
甘肃省科技计划项目,鲁甘科技协作专题,23cxna0020,甘肃临夏州肉羊胚胎移植技术集成及高效繁育体系推广应用,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,20万元,在研,主持
甘肃农业大学,博士科研启动基金项目,gau-kyqd-2022-17,藏猪响应高原低氧环境的分子调控机制,2023-04 至 2026-03,20万元,在研,主持
yuan h, liu x, xi b, gao c, quan j, zhao s, yang y*. ssc-mir-101-3p inhibits hypoxia-induced apoptosis and inflammatory response in alveolar type-ii epithelial cells of tibetan pigs via targeting foxo3 [j]. scientific reports. 2024, 14(1):20124.
yang y, li y, yuan h, liu x, ren y, gao c, jiao t, cai y, zhao s. characterization of circrna–mirna–mrna networks regulating oxygen utilization in type ii alveolar epithelial cells of tibetan pigs. frontiers in molecular biosciences. 2022, 9:854250.
yang y, li y, yuan h, liu x, ren y, gao c, jiao t, cai y, zhao s. integrative analysis of the lncrna-associated cerna regulatory network response to hypoxia in alveolar type ii epithelial cells of tibetan pigs. frontiers in veterinary science. 2022, 9: 834566.
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yang y, yuan h, liu x, wang z, li y, ren y, gao c, jiao t, cai y, zhao s. transcriptome and metabolome integration provides new insights into the regulatory networks of tibetan pig alveolar type ii epithelial cells in response to hypoxia. frontiers in genetics. 2022, 13: 812411.
yang y, gao c, yang t, sha y, cai y, wang x, yang q, liu c, wang b, zhao s. vascular characteristics and expression of hypoxia genes in tibetan pigs' hearts. veterinary medicine and science. 2022, 8: 177-186.
yang y, gao c, yang t, sha y, cai y, wang x, yang q, liu c, wang b, zhao s. characteristics of tibetan pig lung tissue in response to a hypoxic environment on the qinghai–tibet plateau. archives animal breeding. 2021a, 64, 283–292.
yang y, yuan h, yang t, li y, gao c, jiao t, cai y, zhao s. the expression regulatory network in the lung tissue of tibetan pigs provides insight into hypoxia-sensitive pathways in high-altitude hypoxia. frontiers in genetics. 2021b, 12: 691592.
yuan h, liu x, wang z, ren y, li y, gao c, jiao t, cai y, yang y*, zhao s*. alternative splicing signature of alveolar type ii epithelial cells of tibetan pigs under hypoxia-induced. veterinary medicine and science. 2022, 16:9:984703.
杨麒天,吴生瑞,杨春旭,杨雅楠*,蔡原*. 藏猪心肌细胞对低氧环境的适应性特征 [j]. 四川农业大学学报. 2023, 41 (03): 509-514.